Welcome to my website. As you can see I mostly use it to share information with my friends. You can find more in many discussion forums or using popular search engines. If you want to contact me directly please use e-mail address below.

Remember: This is first day of rest of your life.Miroslav Prágl

You can always send me a message if there's a reason...

Splash! Some pictures from the Red Sea  Egypt 2004 - Diving safari pics  Diving 2005 - pictures  Diving 2005 - pictures
Diving 2006 - pictures   Diving 2006 - pictures Diving 2007 - pictures   Diving 2007 - pictures
Splash! Some pictures from the Red Sea  Egypt 2007 - Diving safari pics  Diving 2008 - pictures   Diving 2008 - pictures
Diving 2008 - pictures   Diving 2009 - pictures    
HowTo:  Transfering data from Paladin using IrDA DIY:  Turbo susak suchace / Dry Suit Turbo Dryer


2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 MVP Award (Windows - Security / Windows Insider)

2008 Join and discuss: Microsoft TechNet forum CZ-SK

2008 Check my successful sister's website: Lenka Bidermanova, Architect

2010 Join and discuss: Microsoft Answers CZ-SK

2011 Old diving pictures + some new ones available here.

Simple windows commandline tool for batch XML to CSV conversion based on Xml To Csv Conversion Tool (http://xmltocsv.codeplex.com) available here.
Thanks to "timmytimeless" for including commandline version in 1.5 release.

In days of old
When divers were cold
And before dry suits were invented
The best latrine
was neoprene
Especially if it was rented ;-)